Saturday, 23 December 2017

School Of Cinema: A Foremost Step to Make Career in the Industry

While a lot of people dream to be associated with cinema, only few take significant steps to turn their passion into a career choice. Not only is this field full of glamour and fame but also encompasses challenges, risks and uncertainty. Year after year, youngsters flock in large numbers from every corner of the country to start their career in acting, while a lot of them spend majority of the time struggling; only few make it big in the industry.

To bag a role on big screen aspirants have to pass numerous screen tests, hence, it is essential for them to have profound knowledge of fundamentals and techniques required on stage. To upscale requisite skill- sets, students can enroll in acting colleges that would provide them a base knowledge and deep understanding of the industry. It is essential for an actor to take right approach towards the script, understand the essence of character and be able to project the same to the audience in an effective and lucid manner. Learning the appropriate techniques of vocal projection, expressions, observation, emulation, improvisation, accent, emotional appeal and clarity of speech are significant for an aspiring actor to be able to befittingly comply with the requirements of the scene.

AAFT School of Cinema is a top film school that provides cinema education in all relevant spheres. Other than the regular traditional courses, it also offers specialized short- term vocational training programs to enhance individual talent and tone the skills to meet industry demands. This institute has become a prominent name in media education by proving its worth through a nexus of dedicated comprehensive curriculum and training programs that are structured to meet the industry requirements.  

It lays its focus on overall developing students so as to instill in them the confidence to work in the real industry environment. A right course not only provides primitive knowledge of acting but also covers essential aspects of different disciplines relevant to it such as camera and lighting, direction, sound recording, editing, still photography, script writing and more through extensive in- house training. 

Friday, 15 December 2017

Significance of Hands-On Training in the Field of Modeling and Film Making

AAFT School of CinemaLights falling on your face, rolling sound of the camera and the applauding audience waiting for a glimpse of you – if you dream of all these, you can surely try to make career in the lucrative field of acting and modeling. Both the domains, not only involves artistic presentation but also incorporates different techniques of elevating this craft. Film making courses provide a helping hand in understanding the techniques and aesthetic approach required in this industry. Aspiring students who are passionate about images, motion pictures, music, camera, make –up and dance should join these courses to get trained and explore their capabilities gaining the skill sets essential for entering the field.

Mastery in this craft can be attained by implementing practical application of theoretical knowledge. Top film schools in India provide students with necessary exposure through hands-on training and in-house projects. They focus to energize and develop students to smoothly adapt to the world of Media and Entertainment. AAFT School of Cinema is among the best film schools of the country. It provides inclusive measures of cinema integrated with practical knowledge administered through industry tie- ups and mentoring from top-notch professionals of the industry.  

Modeling industry is also witnessing an upsurge in the demand of skilled professionals. This glamorous industry is rising due to increase in runway shows and the need of illustrating creations of designers, endorsing products, expressing through photographs, etc. Models not only pose or walk for the clients but also exhibit their style statement, taste and ethos. They have to understand the client’s requirements and inculcate its need and purpose in their actions. The continuous rising fashion and ad industry supports the increasing need of modeling professionals.

Some of the best modeling institutes in Delhi augment the skills of aspiring students through their comprehensive course modules which are designed to cover all aspects of the industry viz., walk, photographic posing, choreography, modeling for accessories, presenting oneself, skin and beauty care, styling, body language, confidence building, etc. They impart training to let the students convey an attitude and story through their body language which are essential aspects to gain recognition in the industry.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Cinema Education: A Smart Step to Establish Career in the Cinema World

The red carpet industry, i.e. Cinema gave the world a medium that entertains via different moods such as action, historical drama, comedy, etc. With the potential and caliber, many in this industry are enjoying the high-end and colorful life. Education has become the powerful medium that leads an individual to grab an opportunity in the world of cinema and other fields. As per the trend in education, aspirants wish to pursue professional cinema courses at various film making schools in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Pune, etc.

 Indian Cinema world has a prominence among masses. People like to get entertained with different with different types of cinematic presentation. According to the current scenario, young aspirants are getting attracted towards the cinema world to work. Various institutions in India are stepping forward with their excellent education programs such as film editing courses, filmmaking courses, etc.

Aspirants these days rush towards metropolitan cities to gain advanced and excellent education & for better opportunities.  Among various hubs of education, AAFT is one of the oldest and top film schools that offer under graduate, postgraduate and short-term courses. The institution is an expansive and competent platform, where the army of students learns under the guidance of experts and professionals. Special practical training programs and sessions are organized to train the students, so that they can give their best shot on various platforms inside the industry of cinema and other entertainment platforms. 

Aspirants with the cinema education background are expected to have excellent technical knowledge of the processes in filmmaking. Various film production houses and other entertainment domains demand aspirants with cinema education. The Indian film industry has existed from a very long time and film education is not new. Initially people learned through only hands-on-experience. However, as the industry expanded the need for professionals also increased at a very fast pace.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Learn the Art of Timeless Photography

The famous expression "a picture is worth a thousand words" is so true in photography profession. The amount of efforts and passion put in to bring out that one perfect photograph makes it worth a thousand more. Delhi has some of the finest photography institutes that offer professional courses in photography. is ultimate display of what you have envisioned. But capturing fleeting moment or the one-time-sight thing is difficult to get into a frame. For instance, a bird is not going to stay still for your perfect shot. Similarly, documenting a car or an animal in motion is challenging. This requires sufficient knowledge to foray into the world of visuals.

With the competition in this creative art at its peak, those who wish to take it up as a full time career must invest more time than they do it for a hobby. Professional photography courses in Delhi offer a productive chance to produce the best artwork in less time. Colleges offering such courses provide structured education and proper guidance to allow learners develop multiple skills as a good photographer.

Buying a high-end camera does not guarantee that you will be an excellent photographer. In professional world, you must have substantial knowledge about technical aspects of a camera. There are many institutes of photography that teach you the technicalities of operating cameras (both still and video), and the various lighting techniques to create something visually powerful which is otherwise intangible.

Photography course shapes your artistic vision as well as enhance your technical abilities and creative skills. Good institutes conduct mandatory project work, included in the curriculum, to assess the progress of students. The latest photography gear and technology, lighting equipment, editing labs and shoot studios provisioned for learners ensure the best learning opportunities.

Contemporary photography as a profession can be attained through practice, perseverance and patience. But one must have sound foundation on concepts of digital imaging, alternative processes, new media, history and aesthetics of photography, and exhibition display. As a beginner, you must excel in theoretical and experimental components of the art and develop broad-based skills.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Film Studies is Essential to Critical Appreciation of Cinema and society are interlinked and society has always inspired new stories for the filmmakers that are thought-provoking, intricate and meaningful. Cinema studies explore the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic, and political implications of the cinema. Film study is an intellectual discipline that deals with a choice of theoretical, historical, and critical ways to filmmaking. It is concerned with the evolution of the content, the narration, the technology, and the changes in the narrative style with the changing time periods.

The film studies courses in Delhi concentrate more on art factor than focusing on the production knowledge. Many directors have distinct style of their own. They are known as 'auteur'. And the study about those directors, who have given cinema a new dimension, is known as 'auteur theory'. The main thing for students is to learn about the aesthetics of the cinema by analysis of various styles and creative indications used by various world renowned directors from all ages.

Not to be mystified with the technical aspects of film formation, film studies deal only with the creation of film theory—which approaches the film critically as an art. It is appreciating the art in the cinema by studying various film movements which has happened all over the world such as, German expressionism, French new wave, Italian neo-realism, soviet film movement, etc.

Undergraduate degree in filmmaking by top film schools in Delhi cover various areas of screenwriting, direction, cinematography, post-production, sound recording and acting. Often subsumed within media studies and compared to television studies, film studies are a distinct subject. With advances in filmmaking, it is important that the degree courses in cinema must contain film studies among the foundational subjects:

•    Introduction to film studies
•    Modes of film studies
•    Close analysis of films
•    History of film/media
•    Analysis with emphasis
•    Attention to time period
•    Attention to regional creation (Indian cinema, Indian parallel cinema, Indian regional cinemas)
•    Attention to genre
•    Study about creators (auteurs)

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Tips on Making a Short Film

Making a short film is like a dream come true for any budding talent in the field of film-making. It is called a “short” for a reason, which is, it needs to hook a viewer fast and early. Every film is different, and shorts are the most difficult form of films. The core reason is that, in this scenario, the story has to be short, quick, easy, understandable, relatable and most of all, impressive.

There was a time when making a short film, needed expensive cameras and film stock. Now the time has changed. The budding filmmakers are so talented that they are shooting the films with a Phone Camera, which is indeed remarkable.

There are a few tips on how to shoot a Short Film
  • Choosing topic on which you want to shoot the film
  • Writing a screenplay
  • Gathering teams
  • Equipment needed
  • Appropriate location for the shoot
  • Actor (male /female)
  • Director
  • Props
  • Continuity Checker
  • Sound person
  • Lights
  • Cinematographer
  • Photographer (if needed)
  • Re-shooting wherever required
  • Editing
  • Distribution
  • Profit
All these points might look too much, but at AAFT School of Cinema you will learn proper structural lessons for making short films, simplified to you. With our training approach towards making a short, no person has to sacrifice the dream of being a Film Maker. AAFT, being the best filmmaking schools in Delhi, focuses on what you are good at and enhance your talent so much so that you learn the technicalities of filmmaking and the outcome of your film studies is recognized and appreciated by your audience.

Being a filmmaker is no big deal, but being a good filmmaker surely is. All you need to achieve this target is Talent, Dedication and Focus. So, it is your call now whether you want to be the BEST or just like the REST. If you are sure to pursue your passion of filmmaking, create the perfect time to make your dreams a reality by joining our cinematography courses.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Film Making – From Script to Screen

Production process in filmmaking requires a disciplined approach. Shooting a video is fun and easy with new technologies surfacing in present times. But making compelling and meaningful movie from those video shots is what you will learn at a filmmaking school. The professional training in direction, cinematography, editing, sound and screenwriting is necessary to understand the art and craft of film and television production.

Filmmaking and digital video production is both an artistic and technical process where video material (footage) is collected, compiled and changed from its original form to create a new version. The artistic process consists of choosing which components to keep, delete, or combine from various sources. This ensures that all the selected elements are organized, logical, and visually pleasing. The technical development consists of copying the various parts onto a single video tape or CD/DVD drive or other media for final viewing or distribution.

Some of the reputed film schools in Delhi provide certificate and diploma courses that help you take your passion for filmmaking to a higher level. In the world of cinema, the first step is pre-visualization. If you have a creative thought or idea that has the potential of being converted into a story, giving it a tangible form in terms of a short film or a feature film becomes easier.

The industry-oriented film studies offered at AAFT School of Cinema develops your knowledge of classical and contemporary cinema. It helps you conceptualize the storyline; analyze the creative potential of film, and identify the relationship between film and the audiences it will target. AAFT is one of the top film colleges in India that provides you with a detailed knowledge of different types of video production & film production techniques, and the different stages of video making and film making process.